Sunday, June 22, 2008


Well you won't believe it but we have chickens. I know, what are we thinking. Josiah says that at least we won't have to go to Pali (our local grocery store) to buy eggs anymore. The kids are so happy. A friend of ours gave us 3 of his chickens, they are only 3 weeks old. Josiah named 2 of them Ironhide and Jazz (from the Transformers, even though the chickens are girls), and Rachel named one Rachel, I guess she likes her name ok. Anyway, we have been making a coop for the chickens. We've all been having fun with it and the kids won't leave the chickens alone. They just want to play with them all day.

Also we were able to put up a tire swing for the kids. They are loving it. The most fun was watching Roger try to figure how he was going to get up that tree to tie the rope up. He's not 12 anymore and able to scale it with his sheer monkey-like abilities...hahaha. He ended up borrowing a ladder from the neighbors. :)

We are putting the finishing touches on our newest and latest zoo adventure. The dates have gone between the 4th or the 18th of July but it is looking more like it will be the 4th. Oh my goodness that is only 2 weeks much to plan. We are also taking all 5 schools instead of just the one that we took last year. It could be easily 200 kids plus teachers and adult helpers. Rhonda M., we are going to miss you this year!! We are looking forward to the exciting day. And the day after we have our next clinic. Lots to prepare for.

I guess I will be learning to pace myself in the next couple of weeks.

Saturday, June 7, 2008


It is so crazy!!! We had been in the states for 2 months (march and april). We then returned to our house and everything in order, thank goodness. The only thing we returned to no phone. Appearantly they were stolen or something...again...which meant we were without internet also. It seems like forever, or 5 weeks since we came back, but finally we have internet and phone again...YEAH!!!! It's amazing how we grow so accustom to the things that we have in our lives. Oh, and one day after we arrived i awoke to killer pain and long story short i was in surgery that night to have my appendix removed. What a welcome back home.

We have gotten back in the groove somewhat. It always seems like it takes longer than one would like. We were able to get a chainsaw up to the north, where the hurricane hit last august. They have been using it like crazy. We've had 2 clinics now. Today was the second. So much fun. And we are delivering more school supplies next week to all 5 schools. It feels nice to get back into things. We are also getting ready to do our zoo trip with the students again. However, this time we are going to do all 5 us crazy!!! It will be a blast. Just want to get it done before rainy season and we can't get in to the communities because of the roads.

These last few months have been full of their ups and downs but all liveable. It doesn't have to be easy it just has to be lived through and better on the other end. Success is so subject to the one that defines it.

We loved our trip to the states. So encouraging and full of love and friendship. I so cherish our times together with friends and family in the states. They are so valued to us. And we are so happy to be here, home, in Nicaragua, once again. It is just right.

I think this is probably too much for now but i am back in it again.
be a success,