Saturday, February 13, 2010

And Such is Life!!

We went into December with the hopes that we would have a little down time to relax and recoop and gear up for a busy beginning to 2010.....that didn't happen :) It went from a very empty month to much busier than we could have expected...yet fulfilling. We knew January and February would be busy. It is the gearing up for the Nicaraguan school year and gearing up to head to the States. School started here February 1st.

We happened to be in Nueva Guinea for youth and evangelistic meetings that weekend before. We returned and immediately got to work distributing all the supplies. We usually wait a couple days into the school year for all the kids to make it to classes so we wouldn't miss any of the kids. This year we had a count of 316 students and 15 teachers that we have the privilege of serving. We also included the children in Francisco and Erica's ministry as well, they have great need in these neighborhoods as well, that added another 58 with a grand total of 374.

On February 3rd we loaded up the truck and set out to deliver to as many schools as possible in 1 day. This is usually a 2 day process due to the road conditions and they only have 1/2 day classes. We were so excited that when the day was done we had made it to all the schools just in time. So many of the kids, and teachers, were so excited. Many had come to school with no materials, because they couldn't afford them, with the hopes we would be there again this year. I am always so excited to see how God provides!!! This is the beginning to the 4th year helping these communities. We have begun to see such openness and the Lord working in so many of their lives since we began with the clinics and schools. God is always faithful to watch over that which He's called us to do to see it come to fruition as He intends. We have to be patient and obedient and realize that our timing is not His timing.

This year I also felt like we were to take on Francisco's group of kids he ministers to. They were so excited when we called to find out how many students there were. They work with 2 very poor communities. We were able to deliver these supplies the week before school to make sure they were all ready for their first day. It has been such a blessing to see how Francisco and Erica are impacting these communities in their faithfulness to minister to these children.

We thank all who have giving to this project!! There have been more lives touched than you could ever imagine. We aren't just touching the lives of the kids but whole families. We will continue to provide school supplies throughout the year, as in the past. We make 3 distributions that provide for 3 months at a time. It comes to a cost of $5/ea for younger kids and $8/ea for bigger kids to provide for the whole year. We are just so grateful for the opportunity to be part of what God is doing here....He is always doing more than what we expect, we always feel like we are the ones that are the truly blessed and ministered too. He teaches us as we go, as long as we are willing to be molded.


Amber Bishop said...

wahoo, look at you and your snazzy fb fan link;-)
Looks great on my end.

Amber Bishop said...

wahoo, look at you and your snazzy fb fan link;-)
Looks great on my end.

The Eucedas said...

Thanks!! I was trying to just do the badge but this worked so I'll stick with it :) I feel like I'm getting this stuff worked out.

omar ail said...
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