Thursday, July 3, 2014


I read this passage, Zechariah 4:10, the other day and it really struck me.  It says, "For who hath despised the day of small things? for they shall rejoice, and shall see the plummet in the hand of Zerubbabel with those seven; they are the eyes of the Lord, which run to and fro through the whole earth."

Who hath despised the day of small things? I think that is a question we can all answer honestly. We all have.  At least I know I can emphatically say "YES".  It feels so little at times, the small beginnings, the menial tasks, the basics.  But what is it that lays the foundation, if it's not the small things?

It made me think of this gardening season.  Here in Wisconsin, planting started much later that what I am used to, but it finally came late May/early June.  There is a joy when you plant a seed into that dark, rich soil. Water it. Care for it. Then one day you begin to see a sprout of green pushing through the soil.  I don't know about you but I act a bit silly.  There is such excitement over the fact that the seed I planted germinated, took hold, then began to produce and be what it was created to be.  Then the ultimate joy in partaking of the fruit.

It made me question a few more things.  Why do we despise the small beginnings? The tasks that we think no one sees or the thanks we never get (and "think" we deserve).  What do you think is really going on behind the scenes?

Immediately the Lord showed me that there is great rejoicing in our dying in the soil, germination, rooting and our sprouting.  Just as we rejoice over seeing that first sprout from the ground, knowing that there is life coming forth and we will soon enjoy the fruits of our labors; so is our Heavenly Father rejoicing over our "sprouting", our small beginnings.  He is seeing that there is fruit that will soon be produced from our lives.  We have died to ourselves, surrendered to His perfect process, care and tending to what He has already placed within us.

I like how it's put in Job 8:7 "Though thy beginning was small, yet they latter end should greatly increase."  The increase is His, and what a joy to be part of that increase.  The small things and the small beginnings are part of it.  We often times want to grow quick and strong, but that's difficult.  To handle the weight of the fruit that is produced you must have a strong stem, branches and roots.  It takes time, care and patience.  The willingness to submit and move at the pace that the Lord has given for each of us will bring much fruit and blessing in our lives and the lives of others.  

I'm grateful for the small things, the small beginnings, the pruning of the Lord.  Rejoice in the time the Lord has taken to care for you; to see that the fruitfulness of your life be full!!


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omar ail said...
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