Friday, November 19, 2010

Food for Thought....

Thought I'd write one more post before we head to the States. Did I mention we got the biggest blessing and are heading to the States this year for Thanksgiving??? We are soooo thankful :)

Francisco and Erica have been doing a feeding program in their community for a little while now and it's just been amazing. All the kids that wouldn't normally get fed during the day. Mostly because their parents are working and they are left to fend for themselves. Many show up barefoot and hungry. They are told to bring a bowl, spoon and cup and Francisco and Erica will take care of the rest. Many do and some just show up and share a bowl with others. Often times eating with their hands. They have even expanded and are doing one where their other children's church is. The moms there help cook the food provided.

Roger and I had thought that it would be nice to get bowls and cups for every kid that comes. What better time than this time of thanksgiving. I know it's not a holiday here but feeling how thankful we are for the bare necessities, how could we not give them a reason to be thankful.

We went to a big market in Managua, that has the best prices. Found 100 bowls (with lids - important here) and 100 cups. (There are roughly 50 in each community.) We were able to find everything for around 50 cents a child. Blessing all around!! Great prices for us and something to eat with for them. :)

I am always amazed at what a small investment can change a life!!!!

I would like to share something we have been thinking about for Christmas. We have mentioned it in our newsletters but I wanted to share here. We are wanting to give a pair of shoes to each child that attends their children's church. Each pair would come to about $10 a child. Many of these kids, at the most, have a pair of old flip flops. It would be such a blessing for them to be able to start the new school year and go to church with nice shoes on. If you are considering helping drop us a line or you can just send a check to the address on the contacts page with a note "Christmas party".

Thanks for all you have done to make a difference in so many lives!!!

Side note....get to eat yummy Thanksgiving in the States this year....YAY!!!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Haircut Anyone???

A couple of days ago we were able to bring in a hairdresser and provide discounted haircuts for anyone in Sandinena, the community where Francisco and Erica work.

We had so much fun!! The lady that cuts my hair, Helen, was more than happy to go and help on her day off. We offered the haircuts for about 1/3 of the normal price, 10 cordobas which is equal to about $.50. I promised to provide the other 10 cordobas and we were in business :)

She cut hair for about 3 hours and had 16 clients. She was moving fast! Everyone was so pleased with the results. For many of them this was their first haircut ever!!

Just another reason why you don't have to be able to build houses, preach or anything else than simply use the talents God gave you to minister to someone who needs it. A simple haircut brought so many smiles that day! What gifts/talents do you possess?

We are planning a second visit for haircuts in a few weeks. The word got around :)

Monday, September 13, 2010

Video - - Finally!!!

We figured it was about time to get a video out there of what we do here in Nicaragua and the people we work with! (With a little push from some friends!!) :)

We are so thankful to all of you who have given financially and of your prayers to encourage us and be that support that we need. This isn't just a job that the Euceda's are doing but it's all of us....working together...doing our part...being the Body of Christ!!!

If you have the time, check out the video. We pray that you are blessed. We are so excited to bring to you a bit of what we do here!!

With much love and gratitude,
Euceda family

Friday, July 30, 2010

Team Wisconsin!!

Last week we had an awesome team here from Wisconsin. They were here for a week and we had a lot to get accomplished. We planned to put in a bathroom and septic for dear friends of ours, Francisco and Erica.

They came ready to work!!! We went straight away to the hardware store to get supplies and then off to work. Once we got there we got things all laid out and started digging. Thankfully Justin and Llyle know lots about concrete work, plumbing and construction. The rest of us were laborers :) It was such a blessing for us to get to help Francisco and Erica help be a part in making their dreams come true. By the time we were done (3 1/2 days later) the group finished more than we could have even expected. They ended up putting the concrete floor in the kitchen and bathroom, also plumbing for all the kitchen as well.

As I was talking to Erica, when things were coming to an end, she mentioned to me that they are the first one's in their entire community, population of over 600, to have indoor plumbing now. I couldn't believe it. I knew it wasn't far fetched but still they were minutes from town, by foot. What an amazing blessing and testimony!!

On our last day it was bittersweet with the group. Everyone was tired and ready to rest, but I don't thing the group was ready to leave them. As we said our goodbyes, some with tears in their eyes, Francisco and Erica expressed such gratitude I can't put into words. This, for them, was a dream, a dream that seemed so far away, and in 3 days it was a reality for them. I felt so blessed to be a part of it!!

I am so thankful for the Kingdom of God and family working together as we should. All pulling our giftings along with rich fellowship and hard work. Blessed!!!!

To see many more pictures check out our facebook page here.

This is their previous shower.

(This is their old bathroom/outhouse, and yes that red plastic is see through!!!)

(This is the finished, for now, product. The bathroom will have walls around it. :)

(Obed's , their son, first shower ever. You couldn't get him out of there. Erica now says he wakes up every morning early just to take a shower!! His face and the squeals were priceless!)

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Never Too Late...

Well, we've been back in Nicaragua for over a month now. It has been very busy. We've been playing catch-up from all the things that we had to leave when we went to the States for a couple of months, and also continuing with the work here that has already been established.

Since we've been home we've had 2 sets of visitors, a clinic, delivered school supplies to the 6 schools and Francisco & Erica's group of kids they work with, made more and revamped the rocket stoves, had a movie night, and right now Roger & Josiah are up in the northeast of Nicaragua ministering and visiting pastors. WHEW!!! Did I forget anything?? :)

To see a few of the things that we've been doing since we've been back you can go to our facebook page, that we have set up, for many pics and frequent updates to what is going on here in Nicaragua and beyond. You can also just click on the facebook icon on the right of the page.

The Lord is good!!

While we were in the States, the Lord did many things for us on many different levels. We were definitely ready to be back here in Nicaragua with such a sense of what the Lord is doing. It was very encouraging for us to spend time in prayer, with many in the States, for this great country of Nicaragua and for direction here. We began to see a trend while we were in the States. He is calling His people to a much deeper level with Him. He is no longer wanting status quo but wanting those who are completely sold out and willing to give their all. We can't be happy just "being" a Christian but we must be doing that what He's called us to excuses!

We are excited and can't wait for the day when Nicaragua can be that example of what God can do to a nation when His people cry out to Him!! Can a nation be saved in a day? Oh, the hope we have in Him our God, King and Saviour!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Have Your Cake and Eat It Too!!!!

Monday was the day that we hit the States. Our trip was very uneventful....just what we like!! We have had such a great time visiting family and enjoying our daughter's birthday. We will be here in Neosho just through tomorrow and then off to see all our friends in Wisconsin. We are so looking forward to spending time with the Body up there!!! I'm not looking forward to the colder weather but our kids keep asking if there will still be snow. We are truly blessed beyond measure of the goodness of the Lord and the family that we have, both natural and spiritual. Thank you God!!!!
Don't forget to check our Calendar for where we'll be!!! We'd love to see you!!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Heading North

Well the time of year is coming quickly, when we go the the States. It is always difficult to get things in order here, the 'to-do' list grows by the minute, and just Nica life in general makes every job take longer; but we will be there soon. When we hop on that plane it doesn't matter much, whatever is left will be here when we get back :)

I am finding it more and more difficult with each passing year to leave for the States. I know to many that seems is the 'promise land' after all..haha. Nicaragua is our home!

Going to the States has been and will always be a great 'recharge' for our batteries. We get to spend some much needed time with family, and get to see so many of our dear friends. Spiritually it is a rest and oasis for our souls. Nicaragua is such an oppressive nation that, at many times, weighs down with hopelessness....BUT God shines through in those dark places! It can become weary of the constant battle that is raging, BUT He again lifts our heads!

I am so grateful with the challenge that God has placed before our family. I look forward to see what great things He has in store for Nicaragua this year!

With much love and gratitude for all that are filling the void and moving forward in obedience to that which we have all been called to do....keep pressing on!!!

Please see our "calendar" for where and when we will be in the States!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

And Such is Life!!

We went into December with the hopes that we would have a little down time to relax and recoop and gear up for a busy beginning to 2010.....that didn't happen :) It went from a very empty month to much busier than we could have expected...yet fulfilling. We knew January and February would be busy. It is the gearing up for the Nicaraguan school year and gearing up to head to the States. School started here February 1st.

We happened to be in Nueva Guinea for youth and evangelistic meetings that weekend before. We returned and immediately got to work distributing all the supplies. We usually wait a couple days into the school year for all the kids to make it to classes so we wouldn't miss any of the kids. This year we had a count of 316 students and 15 teachers that we have the privilege of serving. We also included the children in Francisco and Erica's ministry as well, they have great need in these neighborhoods as well, that added another 58 with a grand total of 374.

On February 3rd we loaded up the truck and set out to deliver to as many schools as possible in 1 day. This is usually a 2 day process due to the road conditions and they only have 1/2 day classes. We were so excited that when the day was done we had made it to all the schools just in time. So many of the kids, and teachers, were so excited. Many had come to school with no materials, because they couldn't afford them, with the hopes we would be there again this year. I am always so excited to see how God provides!!! This is the beginning to the 4th year helping these communities. We have begun to see such openness and the Lord working in so many of their lives since we began with the clinics and schools. God is always faithful to watch over that which He's called us to do to see it come to fruition as He intends. We have to be patient and obedient and realize that our timing is not His timing.

This year I also felt like we were to take on Francisco's group of kids he ministers to. They were so excited when we called to find out how many students there were. They work with 2 very poor communities. We were able to deliver these supplies the week before school to make sure they were all ready for their first day. It has been such a blessing to see how Francisco and Erica are impacting these communities in their faithfulness to minister to these children.

We thank all who have giving to this project!! There have been more lives touched than you could ever imagine. We aren't just touching the lives of the kids but whole families. We will continue to provide school supplies throughout the year, as in the past. We make 3 distributions that provide for 3 months at a time. It comes to a cost of $5/ea for younger kids and $8/ea for bigger kids to provide for the whole year. We are just so grateful for the opportunity to be part of what God is doing here....He is always doing more than what we expect, we always feel like we are the ones that are the truly blessed and ministered too. He teaches us as we go, as long as we are willing to be molded.