Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Daddy is Home!!!

Last night was the moment we had been waiting for for 2 long weeks.  Roger had been in the states ministering and traveling and fellowshipping.  We seemed to hold the fort down here and managed to not get into too much trouble but we sure missed him.  There is definitely a difference when Dad isn't around but we seem to muddle through. :)  

The kids decided that this time we needed to make posters.  It was so sweet!! They had even marked it on the calendar so they wouldn't forget when to do it, the same calendar we were marking down the days.  They worked so diligently on their posters and were so excited to see their Daddy again.

Thought I would post some pics of the kids and their fancy-pants posters. :)
(The first pic is the view of the sunset on the way to picking him pretty!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sweet family love.
It doesn't get any better thank that!