Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Only God can!!!

Just wanted to share this article with all those that have been following our wonderful trek here.   It is definitely a good gage on what the situation is here.  Whether it is 100% accurate or not, much depends on who's taking the statistics, it is a reality here.  Much of what is going on around the world is happening here too.  We are seeing an increase in desperation and lack of hope. 

This not only has been a hard year but a hard agriculture time as well.  It has been a very dry rainy season.  Some beans were able to be harvested but most rice was lost and the corn that grew wasn't enough.  Here they rely on their ability to grow their own food to last for 6 months until the next harvest.  Due to the hotter and dryer whether this is an enormous weight.  To add, many farmers borrowed money to plant the crops at the rate the beans or whatever they were planting was selling for and now it's time to pay back loans and they can't because of lack of harvest.  I will give you one example; at the time of planting beans were selling for an average of 10 cordobas ($.50) and now at harvest time they are having to sell at 3 cordobas ($.15).  They are being taking advantage of and the market is unstable right now.  It grieves me to see this happening and not having any answers.  To see those that God called us to help, and not be able to. 

There is now a people that can do no other than rely on God.  No more doing out of our own strength but that alone that can be found in Him.  The hope is found that the spiritual land is being cultivated.  God is creating a people that will be prime for His harvest.  There is a Nicaragua that is much greater. One that God sees as truth and not that which we see on this earth.  Hab. 2:14 says that "the whole earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea."  That includes Nicaragua!!! Let His glory be known!! 

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